A Growth of Violations of the Ceasefire Regime was recorded on the Line of Contact of the NKR-Azerbaijan

From the night of 21 and to the morning of 22 February, a growth of violations of the ceasefire regime was recorded on the line of contact of the NKR-Azerbaijan troops.

The enemy violated the ceasefire regime on the line of contact around 105 times, during which they fired more than 1500 shots from different caliber weapons, including D-44 type cannons, 60, 82 and 120 mm mortars towards Armenian positions. In eastern and north-eastern direction the Azerbaijan armed forces used D-44 type cannon and various caliber mortars, overall firing 36 shells (15 from cannons and 21 from mortars).

The NKR Defense Army forces took countermeasures to suppress the Azerbaijan aggression and confidently continued their military service.


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