Whom does “Prosperous Armenia” Faction see as the Future Ombudsma of the RA?

RA NA Prosperous Armenia party has already decided on a candidate for the ombudsman.

The faction will nominate the party’s political council member, the candidacy of lawyer Makar Yeghiazaryan. The head of Prosperous Armena faction Naira Zohrabyan said in the interview with iravaban.net.

She e claimed that Makar Yeghiazaryan is the candidate who will be not subjected to pressure from the authorities and by the opposition. “The standard for our faction is that he is an impartial person, he is beyond subjectivity and I am sure that if he becomes a defender we shall have a professional and impartial ombudsman who does not pursue any political interest,” said the delegate.

Makar Exiazaryan

According to her, the prior three defenders have constantly been under the influence of this or that political force.

“It is unacceptable to me that ombudsman can be subjected to the pressure of authorities and the opposition. There should be a person who is invulnerable neither by the authorities nor the opposition. In fact the opposition is a master of blackmail,” Ms Zohrabyan concluded that the new defender should not be a political tool in the hands of the opposition and authorities.



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