UAZ and ZIL Cars fell into the River

On 26 May, at 8:14 p.m., the Crisis Management Center of the Gegharkunik Regional Rescue Department received information that an accident occurred near the “Tsovagyugh” supermarket: the car fell into the river. There is a child inside. Help of rescuers is needed.

One combat unit from the special water rescue service and one fire-rescue squad of the Regional Rescue Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs went to the scene.

It was found that the UAZ car left the highway near the Tsovagyugh village and fell into the “Dzknaget” river.

The rescuers took the driver out of the UAZ car,  Kh. G. (born in 1990), passengers: M. H. (born in 1999), Kh. A. (born in 2020), Kh. K. (born in 2022); provided first aid and moved to a safe area.

The rescuers pulled out the UAZ and ZIL cars that had fallen into the river.

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