“Nakhshun Hadrut” project submitted by “De-Occupation of Hadrut” NGO approved within the framework of “Aurora to Artsakh” program

We are pleased to announce that within the framework of the “Aurora to Artsakh” program of “Aurora” Humanitarian Initiative, the “Nakhshun Hadrut” (Beautiful Hadrut) project submitted by the “De-Occupation of Hadrut” NGO, which assumes the introduction of a new brand of handmade blankets, has been approved.

Ms Mary Davtyan, Executive Director of “De-Occupation of Hadrut” NGO informed.

Our NGO, by initiating the “Nakhshun Hadrut” product, aims to preserve the works of art typical of the region, using the potential of women displaced from Hadrut during the Second Artsakh War to ensure their income. With this unique program, the women of Hadrut will always convey the warmth of Hadrut to the users of the given brand.

It should be noted that the “De-Occupation of Hadrut” organization, as well as the ” De-Occupation of Shushi”, “Return to Dizak”, “Return to Kashatagh”, and “Kumayri” non-governmental organizations of Artsakh Armenians and a number of other structures were and are being established with the pro-bono support of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association.


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