What Measures are being taken to protect the Right to Life under the Strategy for the Protection of Human Rights?

According to Article 24 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, “Everyone shall have the right to life. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of life. No one may be sentenced or subjected to death penalty”.  The right to life imposes on the state the obligation to do everything possible to protect the right to life, so that human life is not endangered, and in case of encroachment on life, the investigation of the case is carried out effectively, quickly revealing and bringing the perpetrators to justice, as well as ensuring the involvement of the relatives of the victims in the investigation of the cases and the provision of fair compensation to the persons under the care of the state.

According to the “National Strategy for the Protection of Human Rights and its Implementation Action Plan for 2020-2022”, approved by the Government of the Republic of Armenia on 26 December, 2019, by the Decision No. 1978-L, the actions mostly targeted to the issues of protection of the right to life of those under state care, as well as those who are in life-threatening situations (servicemen), persons deprived of liberty, other persons in closed or semi-closed institutions, persons suffering from domestic violence, mostly women). The mentioned issues were raised by the RA Human Rights Defender and representatives of international organizations (UN, CoE, Committee for the Prevention of Torture, the European Court of Human Rights, the US State Department, etc.) and civil society representatives.

In order to achieve these goals, the following actions are planned within the framework of the “National Strategy for the Protection of Human Rights and its Implementation Action Plan for 2020-2022”.

1 Carry out trainings and courses on the right to life in accordance with international standards, including for the Commanders of Armed Forces, Military Police, Investigators, Prosecutors, Judges, Advocates and Penitentiary Services, as a result of which the legal assistance provided in connection with the actions taken in various spheres on the right to life will be ensured, both at the state and private levels.

2 Increase the awareness of conscripts about the right to life, the awareness of servicemen and persons deprived of liberty, as a result of which the number of deaths of servicemen in the army will decrease.

3  Strengthen the atmosphere of tolerance and mutual respect in the Armed Forces, as a result of which the number of deaths of servicemen in the army will decrease.

4 Criminalize domestic violence and violence against women in accordance with international standards, which, as a result of the implementation of the adopted priority measures, which provides comprehensive protection for women affected by domestic violence.

5 Legislatively enforce legal guarantees for effective protection of victims of domestic violence and violence against women in accordance with international standards, as a result of which it is planned to develop a “Strategy for Combating Domestic Violence and its Action Plan”, which will focus on preventing and reducing cases of domestic violence and violence against women.

6  Organize training on domestic violence and violence against women in accordance with international standards, including for police, investigators, prosecutors, judges and health workers, educators, family violence support staff: as a result, it is planned to have informed citizens and people in charge of the sector. 

7  Create support centers and shelters for victims of domestic violence, to provide services to the victims of violence and if needed to the members of their families as well, as a result, it is planned to prevent and combat violence against the elderly (pensioners) in particular, within the framework of which the main issue is equal access to social services and uniform quality.

8 Adopt an action plan to combat domestic violence, which will coordinate cases of domestic violence and geography, and map out the scope of action.

The right to life, as a priority, and the actions under it are aimed at achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goal No. 16, which is to “Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere.” (16.1).

This publication has been produced in the scope of the “Promoting Direct Democracy for Strengthening Human Rights in Armenia” project implemented in the framework of the “Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility” project funded by the European Union

The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the fellow for the “Promoting Direct Democracy for Strengthening of Human Rights in Armenia” project and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.


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