An amount of money equivalent to 3600 EUROs in AMD will be provided to the Ministry of justice
“In accordance with Article 19, paragraph 3, of the RA Law on the Budget System of the Republic of Armenia, the Government decided at today’s session:
Thus, in order to comply with the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights on Dngikyan v. Armenia (case No. 66328/12) of June 15, 2017, at the expense of the RA Government reserve fund envisaged by the RA State Budget for 2017 (under the clause “Restoration of damages or damages caused by the activities of management bodies” of the economic classification of budget expenditures), to allocate an amount of money equivalent to 3600 EUROs (three thousand six hundred) in AMD to the RA Ministry of Justice in nine months of 2017 for the just satisfaction set out in the judgment.”