Iravaban TV
Iravaban TV – other

I want the Taxi to stop at my Final Destination; the Taxi Driver tells me I can’t: Naira Zohrabyan

Deaths Statistics have decreased; Chief of Traffic Police Yegor Karapetyan about the Points System

Latest Data on Coronavirus and Upcoming Events discussed at the Beginning of the Government Session

We expect the EU Support to the Authorities for the Implementation of the Tools of Transitional Justice: Movses Aristakesyan

“Serzh’s Chicks”, “Neglect”: Attorney about the Lawsuit against Alen Simonyan

50 Percent Speak of Trust in Courts rather than Lack of Trust: Yervand Khundkaryan

The Name of the Ministry is not Final, but Another Option is under discussion; Christine Grigoryan on the Newly Created Ministry

I suggested that the Age for Judges be 22 Years, but was over-persuaded: Rustam Badasyan

Of Course there may be Economic Losses due to Limited Communications with Iran: Armen Petrosyan

Do Medical Masks protect against Coronavirus? The Ministry of Health clarifies

What Steps has Armenia taken to combat Coronavirus? Ministry of Health

Armenia Introduces Address Cards for the Individuals coming from Italy, Korea, China to Fight Coronavirus

Situation in Armenia and in the World caused by the New Coronavirus: Ministry of Health