Iravaban TV
Iravaban TV – other

It is a Revolutionary Draft: Araik Harutyunyan presents the Draft on Educational Reforms

Please, if you see or hear us, respond: Mother who lost her Baby

My Attorney and Two other Mothers have begun to discredit me and target Arthur Davtyan: Haykuhi Khachatryan

Police will have access to citizens’ accounts; It’s dangerous: Varuzhan Avetikyan

The Representative of the Investigative Committee suggests Parents of Deceased Servicemen to go to the Committee

Marina Poghosyan demands Meeting with Nikol Pashinyan and Heads of Law Enforcement Agencies

Could an Intelligence Soldier who received a Medal in the Four-Day War commit Suicide? Parent’s complaint in front of the Government Building

There are 6 Issues on the Agenda of the Government Session, of which 1 is Secret

“You said you would put Vachagan Ghazaryan in prison. So put him in prison.” Mikaеl Nakhapetyan

“Save My Child”: the Nurse told the Father of the Child that his Baby had not died during Childbirth

Heads of all Law Enforcement Agencies must answer for the Deaths of Soldiers: Marina Poghosyan

We have had a Case where the Judge asked us to defend him; Member of the SJC

My Wife’s Kidney was removed, Money was offered so as not to inform the Law Enforcement Bodies: Husband details