Anti-Corruption strategy, the way to get out of current situation

4 Corrupt Spheres and Questions without Answers

According to the authors of the RA Anti-Corruption Strategy, healthcare, education, state revenue collection and police in terms of providing public services are the most corrupted areas.

AYLA shall not participate in the Competition for the Anti-Corruption Council: Karen Zadoyan

The Armenian Young Lawyers Association NGO is one of the founding members of The CSOs’ Anti-Corruption Coalition, is currently carrying out the authorities of the secretariat of the Anti-Corruption Coalition and has an important role in the alliance, will refrain from nomination to participate in the competition for the Anti-Corruption Council.

“Sophisticated Corruption requires Education. Sophisticated Anti-Corruption also requires Education,” Fredrik Galtung talked with Mr. Galtung about the fight against corruption. The expert referred to the corruption occurrences, efficiency of fight against it, the anti-Corruption education and the international experience. As for our country specifically, Mr. Galtung believes that countries like Armenia shall demonstrate unique approaches in fight against corruption.