Iravaban TV
Iravaban TV – other

Showing Episodes of the Arrest of Individual is in violation of the Presumption of Innocence

People with Disabilities face the Education and Employment Issues

Murder near Vernisage. Witnesses noticed Two Young Men

Advocates’ Strike. Ara Zohrabyan was present at the Protest Action

Azerbaijan violated Lapshin’s Rights and International Conventions

Should the President have honored the Medal?

Schoolchildren held a Protest Action at the Government Building

I also want to see how our lawyers evaluate my work: Ara Zohrabyan

The Gambling Sector is being regulated

Traffic Inspector violates Traffic Rules

David Harutyunyan: “Driving licenses are national documents”

The Prosecutor General touched upon the Case of Artur Sargsyan, who brought Bread

The School is bound to have an Official Website. Minister: