Iravaban TV
Legal Day
A New Pilot Program related to Conscription
Today, the Mayor of Yerevan was not elected: New Elections of Mayor will be appointed
Extraordinary Election of Yerevan Mayor will be held on July 16
Tobacco advertising is prohibited
The New Procedure on Conditional Early Release may be Ineffective: Expert
The Operation of Law-Enforcement Bodies against the Brother of the 3rd President of Armenia, Alexander Sargsyan and his Son
Relatives of Prisoners ask for Amnesty from Nikol Pashinyan
Banks are already able to forgive Fines and Penalties for Unreliable Loans
Violence in the family: What powers does the police have?
The Problem of Children left without Education remains unresolved
“End Oligarchy”: Illegal Wealth must be returned to the State
What is the procedure for applications by citizens over the age of 27 and who have not completed compulsory military service?
Tax Service Employees will be called to liability for directing Business Entities