Iravaban TV
Iravaban TV – other

From our Young Ages we have not dreamed of holding such Posts: David Sanasaryan on Resignation Rumors

The RA Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan on Artsakh Ombudsman Ruben Melikyan’s Resignation

Government Session: Live

Criminal Justice Bodies need Specialization: Artak Zeynalyan

We must be a Society where there are no Stereotypes that Children are brought up by slapping. Mane Tandilian

The Statistics on Violence against Children is worrying: Arman Tatoyan

Nikol Pashinyan’s Speech at a Meeting with the Armenian Community in New York

“People are coming to Elections with Smiles and Happy”: What is happening at the Polling Stations?

Elections in the New Armenia will no longer be the result of “OK” of District Authorities: David Sanasaryan

Television and Radio Companies have ensured Equal Conditions for Advocacy of Parties and Alliances

An Intensified Service related to the Elections is set up in the Investigative Committee: Kamo Sahakyan

Situation in the 9/36 Polling Station

Quarrel at 9/06 Polling Station between the Proxy of the “My Step” Alliance and the proxy of “Prosperous Armenia” Party