Iravaban TV
Iravaban TV – other
SRC will review the Procedure of Customs Clearance of Goods in case of Repatriation of the RA Citizens residing in Foreign Countries
Directors of the Companies will be subject to Criminal Liability if they fail to disclose their Beneficial Owners: SRC Deputy Chairman
The Minister of Education and Science is smiling mysteriously, and are you smiling too Mr. Mnatsakanyan? Nikol Pashinyan
The Public Administration System is not attractive for Highly qualified Employees: Nikol Pashinyan
Men also have Responsibilities apart from Public Service: Nikol Pashinyan joked
I myself voted “against” all loan agreements without exception all the way through my parliamentary activity: Nikol Pashinyan
Government Session headed by Nikol Pashinyan LIVE!
Discussion in the National Assembly on the issue of amending the Law on Citizens who have not passed compulsory military service in violation of the order
The Vote of the National Assembly on Amendments to the Law on Education and the Law on Citizens avoiding Conscription
I urge you to be correct, otherwise we will have to conduct a seminar on the issue of correctness with you: Areen Mkrtchyan то Gevorg Petrosiyan
Taron Simonyan, on considering one day of detention, as 1.5 days
The National Assembly voted Against Amendments to the Law on Trade Unions
The First Sitting of the Second Session of the 7th Convocation National Assembly has started