Iravaban TV
Iravaban TV – other

Non-Initiating Disciplinary Proceedings had caused the Establishment of Archaic Situation among the Judges: Chairman of SJC

The SJC Chairman about the Inquiry received from Robert Kocharyan’s Lawyers

There is Corruption in the Judicial System: Minister of Justice

Artak Zeynalyan about his Visit to Robert Kocharyan in the Penitentiary

I was questioned as a Witness and a Representative of Levon Ter-Petrosyan on March 1 Case: Artak Zeynalyan

Those who were released under Amnesty must receive Employment or Benefits: Artak Zeynalyan

It is a hard job: The Director of the National Security Service on revealing the fake pages

Authorities do not spend millions on fake pages: Artur Vanetsyan’s clarification

Artur Vanetsyan on violation of Sedrak Kocharyan’s Presumption of Innocence

The Man is sitting in the Room, and the Flag of Armenia is in the Dust in front of him: Nikol Pashinyan

If Someone had scratched the Republican with a Knife, we could prove that it were not we? Prime Minister

How to Celebrate the Citizen’s Day?

They will work calmly: Nikol Pashinyan on “Spayka” Case