Iravaban TV
Iravaban TV – other

I can’t calm everyone down 24 Hours a Day; I have answered that Question 100 Times: Nikol Pashinyan to the Deputy

We have a Coronavirus infected in the NA Staff: Ararat Mirzoyan confirmed

The Head of the Police Department, together with the Officers, agreed with the Criminal Authorities of the District about the Theft, then to reveal them: Prime Minister

Why did the Minister of Nature Protection resign? The Prime Minister clarifies

I can tell more Sensational things: Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan

There is a Suspicion, perhaps well-founded, that one of the Employees of the National Assembly is a Contact Person of the Coronavirus: Ararat Mirzoyan

3 or 4 Cases of repeated Coronavirus Disease registered in Armenia: Ministry of Health

The Public Defender takes off the Schedule: “I drove here on this minibus, I drove there”: Naira Zohrabyan

Waiters of the Open-Air Cafes that we open should wear with Gloves and a Masks: Nikol Pashinyan

Public Transport will not work, but a New Decision can be made at any time: Varos Simonyan

Even in Case of lifting the Restrictions, the Sanitary Rules must be Strictly observed: Lena Nanushyan

Restrictions on Free Movement will be lifted, Beauty Salons and other places will be opened: Varos Simonyan

Zaruhi Batoyan on expanding the Programs of the 8th Measure and on Support Programs