Iravaban TV
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Nikol Pashinyan on raising Customs Duties Rates

Government will not make a Decision under Pressure: Nikol Pashinyan on Amoulsar exploitation

85 protocols were compiled based on 179 videos based on traffic rules published on Facebook

Mortgage and Consumer Loan Interest Rates have decline: Nikol Pashinyan

SAS, Ucom, Flash and other major taxpayers have paid more։ Nikol Pashinyan

The Constitutional Court has not yet provided the Armenian text of its applications to the ECHR and the Venice Commission to the National Assembly։ Ararat Mirzoyan’s statement

The Impression is that Factions want to have their “Eye” in the Commission: Narek Yenokyan

Polyclinics have installed Electronic Registration Equipment: Ashot Sargsyan, Member of the Council of the Elders

There should be no Discrimination among Children: Satenik Mkrtchyan about Raising Money for the Performance in Kindergarten

When dealing with a vulnerable group, instead of coercive measure, we involve a psychologist: Gohar Mkrtchyan

Some People with Mental Health Problems who cause Fear among their Neighborhood are left out: Isabella Abgaryan

Special or maternity rooms in polyclinics: Ashot Sargsyan

Under what conditions can children stay in kindergarten for a longer time? Anna Javakhyan, member of Council of the Elders, details