2018-03-17 10:00 On the Issues of Medical Secrets and Detention Places of the Persons held in Penitentiaries
2018-03-17 05:05 Positive and Complicated Aspects of the Current Legislation on Social Entrepreneurship were presented to CSOs in Tavush Marz
2018-03-16 10:00 New Regulation of the Punishment for hindering the Journalist’s Activities and the New Draft Law “On the Mediator”
2018-03-15 10:00 I was worried that the organisation can involve volunteers only in proportion to 5 percent of its employees: NGO Vice President
2018-03-15 09:00 Abuse of Rights: the Complaint against Armenia on this Basis will be examined in the ECHR
2018-03-14 09:00 No Levy shall be applied on Monetary Supply of a Number of Compulsory Military Servicemen
2018-03-13 05:19 A New Form of Reporting on the Activities of Non-Governmental Organizations has been approved
2018-03-12 11:58 The Governing Board of Armenian CSOs Anti-Corruption Coalition elected New Members and President