2019-07-11 11:31 Law Breaking Drivers will be removed from the traffic – the Draft is in the National Assembly: Nikol Pashinyan
2019-07-10 10:00 We have 7 Vacancies in the Constitutional Court; the President, the Government, and the General Assembly of Judges have to nominate new candidates.:Genya Petrosyan
2019-07-10 09:00 This Time we shall elect without any Phone Calls or Requests: Aleksey Sukoyan on the Election of Candidates to SJC
2019-07-10 11:22 The Whistleblowing System was discussed at the Anti-Corruption School for Young Leaders
2019-07-09 10:00 If the Constitution is written so that Specific People Occupy Positions, this is a Conspiracy against the Constitutionalist: Gevorg Gezalyan
2019-07-09 09:30 I consider it unnecessary to create such Bodies: Gevorg Petrosyan on the creation of the Corruption Prevention Committee
2019-07-09 09:00 The Three Мembers and the Judge of the Constitutional Court who have the Largest Financial Means
2019-07-09 11:30 “Do you understand what you ask?” Gagik Tsarukyan laughed when he heard the Demand for a Statement by the Journalist Community
2019-07-08 10:00 The 4th Solution is the Exercise of Vetting in the Constitutional Court: Narek Yenokyan
2019-07-08 09:00 The Vacancies of Seven Judges of the Constitutional Court should be supplemented: Tigran Yegoryan on the CC Crisis
2019-07-08 04:35 In the Anti-Corruption School of Young Leaders discussed the Types of Corruption-Related Crimes